

Guess what day it is. It's yet another day of raising awareness of men in dresses

I don't think there's a single person on the planet that isn't fully aware of LGBTs by now, yet we keep having to 'raise awareness', day in, day out, with regular monitiny

Thankfully, today is the one day of the calendar year where LGBT campaigners actually shut the fuck up for once

Lefty Logic

I say Lefty Logic, but I'm actually only guessing she's a lefty. This conversation left me so confused, I could be wrong. Anyway, I like to share my pain, so here goes:

The story I'm reading:
Doctor: “It’s been twenty-five days. You’re probably pregnant.”

Me: “There are a couple of issues I take with your statement. It’s been twenty-three days; these little numbers tell me that. Since I started at eleven years old, my cycle has been twenty-five days. My girlfriend’s is twenty-eight days, and I have a friend who has a regular medically checked-out forty-day cycle. Second, I’m not able to get pregnant because I live with, sleep with, raise a cat with, and have sex with another uterus owner.”

I’m non-binary; we use trans-inclusive language.
I'm of the opinion that such trans inclusive language may well include trans folks, but it also EXcludes women folk. There's certainly no women I know, who would be happy to be reduced to an owner of a body part, when being referenced

So I chirped up

Of course, leaving such a comment is bound to provoke an answer, particularly when it's couched in an obviously disrespectful manner
Oh well, my bad...

Makes little sense to me, that. At first I thought she had replied to my comment in error and actually intended on commenting on the story. In essence, to expand on what I was getting at, and say a person with a uterus is a woman, even if she looses the uterus. Or something
It must have made sense to her, because she had the gaul to question my logic
Sometimes I just can't hold my tongue

Eh? Seriously, what?
So I didn't say that a woman born with a uterus who later doesn't have one, is not a woman. I didn't say a woman who can't have children isn't a woman. I did say (in my own way) that women shouldn't be reduced to their reproductive organs
She's clearly disagreeing with me here, but I'm finding it hard to figure out why. The bits that seem to make some sense, seem to agree with what I said originally. The bits that make no sense just shoot off on some wild tangent

Hopefully that should clarify things and put this issue to bed


Yes I know! Which is why we shouldn't be refering to women as uterus owners

Ok, so now we've established we're both in agreement, that should clarify things and put this issue to bed


I have a policy when talking with nonsensical lefties: When the conversation descends into madness (and it always does) just walk away. As you can see from this conversation, I don't stick to my policy and usually end up having to open my gob a few more times. I never learn, you can't play chess with a pigeon

This is usually the point where the leftie accuses you of running scared and declares victory

I was surprised to find, that didn't happen in this case. She never replied

Oh well...

Sacré Bleu!

The most ridiculous sounding language in the world, has it's own international day?

I hope they don't have a day for their food

Ohh la la!

Are you trying to insult me?

Or compliment me?

It's hard to tell with the left wing

I think conderpative is supposed to be Conservative
But his message, illiterate as it may be, is understandable enough to know that he considers anyone right of centre to be not worth taking seriously

Just for the record, I'm not a conderpative, he was right with Libertarian

That's where they all should be


With heartfelt apologies to Reg Smythe, Goldsmith & Garnett and Go Comics, for blatantly knicking their cominc strip, without even the courtesy to ask


I've just seen some wasabi paste on offer. 15p for 45g. Bargain. Trouble is, I've no idea what wasabi tastes like, never having eaten it before

So I did what any normal person would do, and I Googled, "What does Wasabi taste like"
This is what I got

What the actual F does that mean? How does something taste green?

I guess I'll just have to buy some and find out for myself...